Laura Hendrickson
Although I do not live in Willmar, I am not new to the area or to the church office. I have spent over 25 years working in church offices. ​​
I met my husband, Noel, while we were both attending Mankato State University and we were married at the First Covenant Church in Worthington, Minn. Following his graduation, from MSU, we moved back to the area, where we made our home and raised our four children. Currently, we are working hard to keep up with our nine amazing grandkids and a wild pack of “grand”dogs! Or (depending on the day) it might be a wild pack of grandkids and amazing grand-dogs? We were blessed this year with a great grandf-kids!
"For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. - - 2 Corinthians 5:21