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The Elder Commission is providing you with the following update regarding

the pathway we are on to improve purpose and vision as a church.

  • On September 28: We held a workshop entitled Finding Your Why. This was facilitated by Rev. Mary Hendrickson from the Covenant Denomination and attended by over 80 participants from FCC. The outcome was a “Candidate Why Statement” that participants felt was a step forward but not yet right in its wording.

  • On October 14: Participants from this workshop will be given an 

  • opportunity to come together once again and finalize the Candidate

Why Statement. This statement is intended to focus our purpose as a church.

  • On October 27: The Candidate Why Statement will be presented to the Congregation at a brief congregational meeting following the Worship Service where it will be voted on. The Elders will hold a separate question and answer time for congregants regarding the statement. This will take place some time before the Oct. 27th Congregational Meeting.

  • On November 1-2:: The Council, Elders and Staff will gather for a

  • 2-day retreat Entitled Living Your Why facilitated by Rev. Mary

  • Hendrickson to assist in shaping vision resulting in tangible action

  • steps and measurable goals in pursuing God’s intended purpose

  • for the church.

  • Over the next 6 Months: The Denomination is providing First

  • Covenant with a vitality coach who will serve as a valuable sounding

  • board for Pastor Chris and other key leaders as we move forward, transforming obstacles into opportunities in pursuit of God’s vision for the church.

  • On March 16, 2025: Mary Hendrickson will be conducting another congregation-wide workshop entitled HMS, which stands for Heart, Mind, Strength. The purpose of this workshop is to help every person connected with First Covenant Church discover how their passions, knowledge, skills, and gifts can be released in fulfilling our God-given mission. God has already equipped this congregation with everything needed to succeed. This workshop will reveal the many assets already present within First Covenant Church. It is our hope that

100 percent of our congregation will participate in this 2-hour workshop.

  • All of These Steps: Are in response to the survey conducted in 2023. The survey revealed that the congregation is struggling in the areas of purpose and vision. As Elders we pray that the intentional steps listed above will help clarify our shared purpose and energize all members and friends of First Covenant to fully participate in God’s mission being advanced through First Covenant.​

Questions? Feel free to contact any Elder Commission Member: Don Broberg, Barb

Buer, Myron Carlson, Lois Dunn, Helen Gronli, Dori Guerra and Pastor Chris Pappenfus.

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